ERC884 DGCL compatible share token
ERC884というアメリカのデラウェア州法で定められたDGCL(Delaware General Corporations Law)に則った株式トークンの標準規格の提案について解説した記事です。
デラウェア州ってどこやねんという感じでイメージが湧かない方はこちらを参考に。(USでは2番目に面積が小さい州らしい) 聞いた感じだとデラウェア州って会社設立しやすいそうな(税とか安い)
1. 株式トークンコントラクトのdecimalsは0を設定する。ERC884では1トークン = 1株式と表現し、トークンは分割不可能なものとして存在するため。
2. ERC884ではcancelAndReissueを実装し、古いEthereumアドレスを新しいEthereumアドレスに置き換え、古いアドレスを使用不可にする
3. アイデンティティハッシュを用いて、個人を特定する
The Act(デラウェア州が定めた法律)を遵守するためには、全ての株主名と、現実の住所を管理する必要がある。これらの情報(株主名/住所)をパブリックなブロックチェーン上で管理するのは、プライバシーの観点で見た場合望ましくない。
所有者の名前 / 現実の住所 / 所有者のEthereumアドレス を格納するオフチェーンストレージ(RDB / file storage / etc...)を用意し、保存する。保存した3つのデータをインプットとしハッシュ化。ハッシュ化された値をコントラクトのストレージに格納する。ハッシュを元に保存データの正当性を検証する。検証にはhasHash関数を利用する
具体的な実装は各々の開発者に任されているが、GET https://<host>/<pathPrefix>/:ethereumAddress -> [true|false] のようなAPIエンドポイントにGETリクエストすることで確認できるのが理想。
contract ERC20 {
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
contract ERC884 is ERC20 {
* This event is emitted when a verified address and associated identity hash are
* added to the contract.
* @param addr The address that was added.
* @param hash The identity hash associated with the address.
* @param sender The address that caused the address to be added.
event VerifiedAddressAdded(
address indexed addr,
bytes32 hash,
address indexed sender
* This event is emitted when a verified address and associated identity hash are
* removed from the contract.
* @param addr The address that was removed.
* @param sender The address that caused the address to be removed.
event VerifiedAddressRemoved(address indexed addr, address indexed sender);
* This event is emitted when the identity hash associated with a verified address is updated.
* @param addr The address whose hash was updated.
* @param oldHash The identity hash that was associated with the address.
* @param hash The hash now associated with the address.
* @param sender The address that caused the hash to be updated.
event VerifiedAddressUpdated(
address indexed addr,
bytes32 oldHash,
bytes32 hash,
address indexed sender
* This event is emitted when an address is cancelled and replaced with
* a new address. This happens in the case where a shareholder has
* lost access to their original address and needs to have their share
* reissued to a new address. This is the equivalent of issuing replacement
* share certificates.
* @param original The address being superseded.
* @param replacement The new address.
* @param sender The address that caused the address to be superseded.
event VerifiedAddressSuperseded(
address indexed original,
address indexed replacement,
address indexed sender
* Add a verified address, along with an associated verification hash to the contract.
* Upon successful addition of a verified address, the contract must emit
* VerifiedAddressAdded(addr, hash, msg.sender).
* It MUST throw if the supplied address or hash are zero, or if the address has already been supplied.
* @param addr The address of the person represented by the supplied hash.
* @param hash A cryptographic hash of the address holder's verified information.
function addVerified(address addr, bytes32 hash) public;
* Remove a verified address, and the associated verification hash. If the address is
* unknown to the contract then this does nothing. If the address is successfully removed, this
* function must emit VerifiedAddressRemoved(addr, msg.sender).
* It MUST throw if an attempt is made to remove a verifiedAddress that owns tokens.
* @param addr The verified address to be removed.
function removeVerified(address addr) public;
* Update the hash for a verified address known to the contract.
* Upon successful update of a verified address the contract must emit
* VerifiedAddressUpdated(addr, oldHash, hash, msg.sender).
* If the hash is the same as the value already stored then
* no VerifiedAddressUpdated event is to be emitted.
* It MUST throw if the hash is zero, or if the address is unverified.
* @param addr The verified address of the person represented by the supplied hash.
* @param hash A new cryptographic hash of the address holder's updated verified information.
function updateVerified(address addr, bytes32 hash) public;
* Cancel the original address and reissue the tokens to the replacement address.
* Access to this function MUST be strictly controlled.
* The original address MUST be removed from the set of verified addresses.
* Throw if the original address supplied is not a shareholder.
* Throw if the replacement address is not a verified address.
* Throw if the replacement address already holds tokens.
* This function MUST emit the VerifiedAddressSuperseded event.
* @param original The address to be superseded. This address MUST NOT be reused.
function cancelAndReissue(address original, address replacement) public;
* The transfer function MUST NOT allow transfers to addresses that
* have not been verified and added to the contract.
* If the to address is not currently a shareholder then it MUST become one.
* If the transfer will reduce msg.sender's balance to 0 then that address
* MUST be removed from the list of shareholders.
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
* The transferFrom function MUST NOT allow transfers to addresses that
* have not been verified and added to the contract.
* If the to address is not currently a shareholder then it MUST become one.
* If the transfer will reduce from's balance to 0 then that address
* MUST be removed from the list of shareholders.
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
* Tests that the supplied address is known to the contract.
* @param addr The address to test.
* @return true if the address is known to the contract.
function isVerified(address addr) public view returns (bool);
* Checks to see if the supplied address is a shareholder.
* @param addr The address to check.
* @return true if the supplied address owns a token.
function isHolder(address addr) public view returns (bool);
* Checks that the supplied hash is associated with the given address.
* @param addr The address to test.
* @param hash The hash to test.
* @return true if the hash matches the one supplied with the address in addVerified, or updateVerified.
function hasHash(address addr, bytes32 hash) public view returns (bool);
* The number of addresses that hold tokens.
* @return the number of unique addresses that hold tokens.
function holderCount() public view returns (uint);
* By counting the number of token holders using holderCount
* you can retrieve the complete list of token holders, one at a time.
* It MUST throw if index >= holderCount().
* @param index The zero-based index of the holder.
* @return the address of the token holder with the given index.
function holderAt(uint256 index) public view returns (address);
* Checks to see if the supplied address was superseded.
* @param addr The address to check.
* @return true if the supplied address was superseded by another address.
function isSuperseded(address addr) public view returns (bool);
* Gets the most recent address, given a superseded one.
* Addresses may be superseded multiple times, so this function needs to
* follow the chain of addresses until it reaches the final, verified address.
* @param addr The superseded address.
* @return the verified address that ultimately holds the share.
function getCurrentFor(address addr) public view returns (address);
yamarkz.icon < おお! やはりそんなイキフン
mosa_siru.icon < 2017年ってすごいなデラウェア州…!
moonty_sal.icon < それ
peroyuki.icon < 日本人も買えるのかな
peroyuki.icon < あと「株式発行手続の簡素化」が中心だから、売買時の価格の交渉とかは流石に今までどおりオフラインでごにょごにょ?
mosa_siru.icon < どうも、クリアリングは結局既存の仕組み(原本管理)っぽい
mosa_siru.icon < Mariane「おそらく上限5%ルールを毎日必死に各証券会社が計算してるところが楽になる」
mosa_siru.icon < yamarkz「結局まだPoC段階なのでふーんってかんじ」